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The benefits of hemp oil, or hemp seed oil, has shown to become an anecdotally popular remedy. Its advocates claim evidence of its healing properties ranging from improving acne to treating cancer to slowing the progression of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Although not scientifically proven, data suggests that hemp oil may help specific health conditions, such as inflammation and skin conditions. It is primarily because of its essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3s and omega-6s. Hemp oil is an abundant source of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of 3:1, which is the ideal ratio.


Hemp oil and inflammation

A 2011 study suggests that adding omega-3s, such as those found in hemp oil, can reduce inflammation. Inflammation can contribute to diseases such as cancer and heart disease.


Can hemp oil benefits skin?

Due to hemp oil’s composition and the addition of omega 6 to formulations, the oil is found in body oils and creams designed to penetrate the skin and therefore provides proper skin moisturization.

Furthermore, hemp oil is beneficial in treating specific skin conditions, including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne rosacea. Favorable results are related to the omega 6 component. 

In addition to moisturizing, hemp oil is also used to relieve discomfort associated with itchy skin. Other benefits may include skin-strengthening, which enhances the skin’s role in resisting viral, fungal, and bacterial infections.


Hemp oil and skin disorders

Research indicates that hemp oil is useful in treating several skin conditions:

  • A potent and potential anti-acne treatment. 
  • Hemp oil improves eczema symptoms.
  • The Omega-3 fatty acid component, as a nutritional supplement, may be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. 
  • It is useful for treating the inflammatory skin condition lichen planus. This condition can cause swelling and irritation in the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.

It can also contribute to healthier skin that is more resistant to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.


Hemp oil, PMS, and menopause

The physical or emotional symptoms associated with the premenstrual syndrome are potentially caused by sensitivity to the hormone prolactin that may be related to low prostaglandin E1 (PGE1). Hemp oil’s gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) assists in the production of PGE1. Women with PMS who took 1 gram of fatty acids that included 210 mg of GLA experienced a notable decrease in symptoms.



A 2010 study of rats indicates that hemp seed helps protect against complications of menopause, most likely because of its high GLA levels.


Hemp oils as an antibacterial agent

The antibacterial properties of hemp oil inhibited various types of bacteria that can cause skin infections, pneumonia, and infections of the skin, bone, and heart valve.


A source of healthy fats

Healthy fats are those which contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Due to hemp oil’s high concentration of omega 6, regular consumption may be helpful for those who do not eat fish or eggs to reach their recommended daily intake of healthy fat. Research has found that having a diet high in healthy fats can improve insulin sensitivity and stabilize heart rhythm.


Anti-cancer properties of hemp oil

Cannabinoids (CBD) have been used to manage symptoms in patients with cancer and are present in small amounts in hemp seed oil. One study showed that cannabinoid extracts inhibited the growth of lung adenocarcinoma cells.  However, it is essential to note that other studies have found that cannabinoids may also stimulate tumor growth.

It is critical to be vigilant and seek medical advice on this matter before drawing any conclusions. 


Weight regulation

It is thought to be high in dietary fiber, the edible part of a plant not digested or absorbed by the small intestine. Studies have shown that frequent consumption of fiber is associated with improved weight control.


Can help oil help lower cholesterol levels?

One area researched extensively is the use of hemp oil to treat cardiovascular conditions because of the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.  Hemp oil appears to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels due to the β-sitosterols present.


Is hemp oil safe?

When used topically, some people may experience mild irritation. So if you wish to use hemp oil on the skin,  test the oil on a small area of skin (patch test) first.

It is crucial to seek medical advice before consuming hemp oil to ensure that there are no contraindications or possible drug interaction risks.

There are many potential health benefits to using hemp oil for topical skin conditions and lowering cholesterol. 

